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No. of Bed
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215 US$
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259 US$
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275 US$
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Our Service
  • Airport transfer by private car, food starter pack, tourist assistance..
  • Villa Details
  • Canggu,
  • 35 minutes to the Airport
  • 25 minutes

  • Swimming pool: 35 m² pool
  • 6 Bathrooms
  • Employees
  • Manager : 1
  • Cook : 1
  • House Keeper : 1
  • Gardener : 1
  • Security Guard : 1
  • Facilities

  • These are two private homes in a small compound of 6 houses in the village of Brawa in Canggu. The houses have a well designed mix of Western comfort and Balinese architecture. They still have retained the tropical 'open' atmosphere. A pleasant place to stay and a good balance for value for money and a popular place for families or friends. Both villas are directly next to each other and connected by the same entrance this makes it also suitable for groups up to 12 guests, traveling together but who appreciate having their own privacy in separate villas. Rumah Magma offers full use of the facilities of the private membership club "Canggu Club" for all their guests.
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